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ORIEN Avatar

The Oncology Research Information Exchange Network (ORIEN) is a unique research partnership among North America’s top cancer centers that recognize collaboration and access to data are the keys to cancer discovery. ORIEN’s goals are to acquire and exchange high quality and comprehensive patient, clinicopathological, biospecimen and molecular data for data driven discovery, identifying patients for biomarker-driven clinical trials, and developing evidence-based clinical decision support tools. The current network is a collaboration of 18 leading U.S. cancer centers that have volume of >50,000 new cancer patients per year. Currently, ORIEN is one the world’s largest clinically annotated cancer repositories with >100,000 consented patients.

As part of the Partnership, the Puerto Rico Biobank and Quantitative Sciences Core have recently joined forces with ORIEN Avatar for the generation of molecular data (RNA-seq and exome sequencing) from tumors of Puerto Rican cancer patients. The Partnership is committed to making this data widely available to the scientific community and collaborating oncologists, surgeons and all of the health cancer providers that make this endeavor possible.

Requesting access to this data will follow the process below. Key links for requests are:

Use this form if you are interested in requesting ORIEN-Avatar Molecular data and/or Clinical data for your research project (full request) from PRBB consented patients.

Note tissue and data requests will require IRB approval and approval of our Tissue and Data Distribution Committee. It is important to complete these forms in detail and understand that review of the request may take several weeks

  • Data use agreement: URL coming soon