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Education Activities at PHSU

Cancer Seminar Series

Outside speakers with expertise and national recognition in cancer research are invited to present their research to the entire MCC and PHSU research faculty, staff and students. The video stream includes the ability to ask questions and all videos will be archived in our Partnership Education Online Library, established in the current funding cycle. Topics span basic, population and translational research arenas.

PHSU Tumor Boards

A quarterly Tumor Board is held in conjunction with Southern Pathology at PHSU. This activity primarily impacts the local clinical pathologists, radiologists and physicians, as well as PHSU faculty, OIG members, and Partnership exchange students, but is open to all. Continuing Medical Education credit is in place.

San Lucas Hospital Grand Rounds

The Grand Rounds seminar series in conjunction with the San Lucas Hospital in Ponce occurs 6-8 times a year, with speakers from MCC and the San Juan VA. This activity primarily impacts clinical faculty at PHSU and San Lucas, as well as the surgical residents and VA fellows, but is open to all. Speakers meet with OIG members for informal discussions on career pathways and medical experiences.

Surgical Resident Rotations at MCC

The Ponce program at San Lucas Hospital (4 miles from PHSU) is approved to graduate 3 categorical general surgery residents each year. The residency has been successful in training residents to become general, community-based surgeons. However, the residents’ opportunities to compete for surgical oncology fellowships have been dampened by a lack of access to surgical oncology exposures during their residency. Surgical oncology education experiences at MCC is a component of residency at San Lucas Hospital. The surgical residents complete a 1-month practical education experience at MCC. This is open to any PHSU categorical general surgery resident desiring an advanced surgical oncology experience and will occur in their fourth year under the supervision of Julian Sanchez, MD (MCC). During the rotation, residents will meet weekly with Dr. Sanchez (or other MCC surgeons selected by Dr. Sanchez) for one-on-one education in fellowship selection, interviewing skills, and general career development. The residents have a defined curriculum and will be integrated into the MCC surgical oncology care team and supported to achieve the competency goals established for all surgical residents at MCC.

Oncology Interest Group at Ponce Health Sciences University

The Ponce Health Sciences University (PHSU) Oncology Interest Group (OIG) was once again selected as a Cancer Interest sponsored group of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Founded in 1964, ASCO is a professional Oncology society committed to conquering cancer through research, education, prevention and delivery of high-quality patient care. The PHSU OIG aims to encourage commitment, education, leadership and research among health sciences students interested in the Oncology field. The award funds serve to support various group activities such as professional development and research workshops, community outreach events and cancer awareness initiatives.

Training Core Education Library

Please click here to access the library.

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